blog single last sunday

Annette Boerlage

Annette is born a Dutchy and keeps on referring to her home country as the Netherlands, refusing to call it Holland (though according to Leigh it’s somewhat the same thing). She loves to travel, see new things, admire nature, and meet new people. Her adventures have taken place by all kinds of transport: public transport, foot, skies, snowshoes, kayak, bicycle and on horseback. She loves adventures, whether they are her commute to work or a long trip, and one of the most difficult things in her life is to turn around before seeing what lies around the next corner.

Leigh Woltman

Leigh is born Canadian and keeps on telling Annette he will melt when temperatures are above 25 degrees Celsius. He loves the outdoors and has spent a lot of time exploring it, mainly by water; in boat, kayak or canoe. He has been part of the outdoor gear world for years, and is always happy to be able to use one of the many stoves he owns. He is the technical and software engineer of their adventures.

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How it started

Annette and Leigh met on a kayak expedition in Northern Newfoundland, where they paddled along icebergs and whales. Not too long after they decided to bundle their forces and explore the world together.