blog single last sunday

Ben Wyvis

By FourFeetOnAdventure

From down in Inverness and surroundings, if you look north, there is always this monstrous looking hill in the far distance, that even when all other hills seem to melt and get rid of their snow, is still standing like a proud, stubborn, white beauty, unwilling to give up on winter. At some point, we decided we had to know more about it. We looked it up on the map, and its name was Ben Wyvis.

One day, we couldn't handle it any longer. We took our gear, and up we went. As all wintery mountains, it started with a nice walk in grassy boggy lands. This guy, being so close to a big city, had been provided with a nice and well maintained path.

Similar to how it looked from accross the firth, the top was sloping and a pleasure to walk on. Though we've heard from some others on the Ben that when winds are high, you crawl or go back. We recognized landmarks, and could point out a factory close to Croy.

We really enjoy walking on these white tops. It's so peaceful and beautiful. It's always sad to eventually have to come down.