blog single last sunday

River Cassley Valley

By FourFeetOnAdventure

We hadn’t been on an adventure with the tandem bike for a while. Annette’s work doesn’t really do bank holidays, which is sad, because a forced long weekend is so nice! Lucky for her, Eastern is still a thing in Inverness, so there we were, 3 days off in a row! Leigh found a nice route, and off we went.

We dropped the car off near Lairg, to start our bike ride. It was nice, sunny spring weather! And sooo good to be back on the bike! We started going South west, then follow the river Cassley up up up, but not before we had a great relaxing lunch at a waterfall. After going up up up we came to Ben More Assynt, a Munro (mountain higher than 3000 feet) that dominates the landscape and can be seen from afar with still snowy ridges.

We climbed up with the bike along concrete water pipes that are part of Scotland’s hydro scheme, and up up up, on a mountain bike trail up the mountain. At the end of the path we decided we had enough, and we put down the tent near a cute little river coming off the mountain. Annette went for a quick up and down to the top, trying to beat nightfall and fog creeping in. Exhausted we fell asleep.

In the morning the fog has lifted and we could see. Scotland is soo beautiful! Happy Easter! We biked back down to the river off the mountain, and up and over the next set of hills to Loch Shinn. This lake is endless. Saying the car is at the other side of the lake doesn’t make it any shorter. Luckly Leigh had smuggled in some Easter eggs. Jummy! After 30 km of lake we made it back to Lairg and could look back on another great adventure through beautifull Scotland.