blog single last sunday


By FourFeetOnAdventure

With sore legs from the hike the day before (see previous post) we got up, and realized that it was amazing weather, not the type to sit at home. But, we were still recovering from our hike and so decided to go for an easy paddle. Lochindorb was our destination. This lake sits in the middle of the moor in the highlands.

It has a little man-made island in the middle on which a castle was built.

The castle dates back to the 13th century, from when onwards it was visited by important people, like Edward I in 1303, Robert II, Alexander Steward and us :).

It is now owned by the Cawdor Campbells. Lochindorb means in Gaelic “Loch of Trouble,” but not for us, as it was an extremely sunny day and we just calmly paddled about. We explored the castle ruins and had lunch on one of the 2 meter thick castle walls in the sun, that was already on its way to set.

Another beautifull day!