blog single last sunday

Meall a'Ghiubhais

By FourFeetOnAdventure

Meall a’Ghiumhais is a 887 meter high corbett. The hike starts at about sea level. The weather forecast was dry, but we got a little suspicious driving there, as the rain was battering the car, and indeed, it rained at the parking lot. However, it stopped pretty soon, so we were able to take off our raingear. The route was up up up, and pretty steep, so the less clothes the better!

The start of the route went over a marked trail of Beinn Eighe Britain’s first National Nature Reserves. We started in the ancient pinewood trees and hiked out of it on white-looking scree slopes and bouldery areas.

All of this surrounded by mysteriousness, as it was misty and every now and then mother nature gave us a peak of our surroundings.

The trail made a loop, and it was tempting to follow it, but couldn’t resist to hike to the top of the corbett first. There wasn’t really a path, nor much of a view, but our navigation brought us to real peak, and Leigh’s watch confirmed the elevation.

Walking back, suddenly the clouds opened and we had an amazing view over our surroundings. Gorgeous! Back on the trail we finished the loop, which was actually a bit of a scramble, and got back at the car right at dark. Great little hike!